StarMap is the personal private cloud platform.
Your data is your data. It belongs to you. Your data is only on your device, and never on our servers.
Your files, anywhere you are. StarMap lets you access your files from any browser in the world, all while the files stay securely on your device.
StarMap is private by design. You don't need to trust us with your data - we simply just never have it! Your files stay on your device at all times.
StarMap turns your own computer into the cloud. Files are served from your own device, to anywhere a browser can run. So wherever you may be, you can edit your files, all while they never leave your own computer. And because they're hosted on your own computer, you can know for sure that when the files is deleted - it's gone.
StarMap applications can be used for so much more than just file storage. Document editing, calendars, e-mail, and social media are all types of applications that we provide. And because they're powered by StarMap, you can trust that we'll never be able to read any of your data.